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Перевод Примеры
Маду чашкой и губами можно много пролИть // Не может быть полной уверенности в успешном осуществлении намеченного, так как трудности и препЯтствия мбгут вознИкнуть в последний момент.

"I wish you joy, Mr. Pendennis, both of the borough and the lady, sir. Fanny wishes you j oy, too," he added, with something of а blush. "Тhere's many а slip bеtwееn the сор and tЬе Jitl! Who knows what may happen, Mr. Huxter, or who will sit ш Parliament for Clavering next session?" (Thackeray)

"And what made you change your mind, Madam?" "EIIis went on at me. Said I couldn't afford to tum it down. Old Sir Montague pulls а lot of strings, you know, and he's а crotchety creature- takes offence easily. Well, I didn't care. Once I marry Merton I'm through with all this. But Ellis is always on the cautious side. She said there's many а slip, etc., and after all I guess she is right. Anyway, off I went." (Christie).

If he could only get the wedding over, he would feel comparatively safe-at any rate, for а while. The proverblal slip twixt сор aod lip was what he dreaded most. Still, where а more imaginative man would have bееn in а torment of apprehension, David was only unpleasantly uncomfortable. (Hocking)